Mining, drilling & engineering companies may be eligible for R&D tax credits for performing qualified research activities. For example, the following activities may be eligible for R&D tax credits:
Performing technical research on new and/or improved spoil pile technologies to assist waste removal procedures
Developing new and/or improved smelting/converting technologies (e.g. heat extraction methodologies)
Developing new and/or improved Flash converting/off-gas handling to reduce off-gas volumes and operational costs
Developing new and/or improved overland conveyor tube technology
Designing new and/or improved hydrometallurgic plant facilitieis and integrating embedded technology / equipment
Designing new and/or improved dragline evaluation techniques
Designing new and/or improved material handling & feed drying
Designing new and/or improved high-wall mining processes
Designing new and/or improved matte handling and grinding
Designing new and/or improved coal washing processes
Evaluating new and/or improved crib support systems being integrated into existing processes
Integrating new and/or improved software associating with collaborative engineering and mining technologies
Testing experimental stolarzic horizon control systems