Nebraska Cannabis & Hemp Industries
IRC § 280E Analysis / R&D Tax Credit Eligibility
Does Section 280E Apply to state individual income tax?
Does Section 280E apply to state corporate income tax?
Are State R&D Tax Credits Potentially Eligible for "Plant Touching" (e.g. producers, cultivators, manufacturers, retailers) Cannabis Companies?
No, subject to further 280E restrictions.
Are State R&D Tax Credits Potentially Eligible for Industrial Hemp Companies & "Non-Plant Touching" Separate Trade or Businesses (e.g. testing laboratories)?
Yes, subject to further 280E analysis regarding company activities, structure, and applicable state laws.
State Law Background
(1) Hemp State Law Authority & Background
Neb. Rev. Stat. § 2-5701 (2016)
Allows a postsecondary institution or the Nebraska Department of Agriculture to grow hemp for research purposes.
(2) Medical Marijuana State Law Authority & Background - N/A
Are sales of medical marijuana subject to sales tax?
Is medical marijuana subject to an excise tax?
(3) Recreational Marijuana State Law Authority & Background - N/A
Are sales of recreational marijuana subject to sales tax?
Is recreational marijuana subject to an excise tax?
(4) Does the State impose a Stamp Tax or Controlled Substances Tax?
Yes. Nebraska imposes a Marijuana and Controlled Substances Tax on any person acting as a dealer in marijuana. A person is a dealer if he or she illegally acquires, possesses, manufactures, ships, transports or imports 6 or more ounces of marijuana. See Neb. Rev. Stat. § 77-4301. The tax rate is $100 on each ounce or portion thereof of marijuana. A dealer subject to the tax must purchase stamps, labels or other official indicia from the Department of Revenue and affix them to the marijuana or controlled substances.
For reference: Nebraska Marijuana and Controlled Substances Tax Information Guide
For reference: Nebraska Marijuana and Controlled Substances Tax Statutes