New Hampshire Cannabis & Hemp Industries
IRC § 280E Analysis / R&D Tax Credit Eligibility
Does Section 280E Apply to state individual income tax?
No. NH does not conform to the IRC. New Hampshire's individual income tax is limited to an individual's income from interest and dividends.
Does Section 280E apply to state corporate income tax?
Yes. New Hampshire conforms to the Internal Revenue Code. The starting point is Federal taxable income. There is no provision that states Section 280E does not apply.
Are State R&D Tax Credits Potentially Eligible for "Plant Touching" (e.g. producers, cultivators, manufacturers, retailers) Cannabis Companies?
No, subject to further 280E restrictions.
Are State R&D Tax Credits Potentially Eligible for Industrial Hemp Companies & "Non-Plant Touching" Separate Trade or Businesses (e.g. testing laboratories)?
Yes, subject to further 280E analysis regarding company activities, structure, and applicable state laws.
State Law Background
(1) Hemp State Law Authority & Background
N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 433-C:1 to 433-C:3 (2016)
Allows institutions of higher education to cultivate hemp for research purposes.
All research must be coordinated with the New Hampshire Department of Agriculture, Markets and Food.
All research projects must conclude within three years of commencement.
2014 N.H. Laws, Chap. 18
Established a committee to study the growth and sale of industrial hemp in New Hampshire.
The study was required to report their findings by Nov. 1, 2014.
(2) Medical Marijuana State Law Authority & Background
Statutory Language (year) - HB 573 (2013)
Patient Registry or ID cards - Yes
Allows Dispensaries - Yes
Specifies Conditions - Yes
Recognizes Patients from other states - Yes, with a note from their home state, but they cannot purchase through dispensaries
State Allows for Retail Sales/Adult Use - N/A
Are sales of medical marijuana subject to sales tax?
N/A – no states sales tax in New Hampshire.
Is medical marijuana subject to an excise tax?
(3) Recreational Marijuana State Law Authority & Background - N/A
Are sales of recreational marijuana subject to sales tax?
Is recreational marijuana subject to an excise tax?
(4) Does the State impose a Stamp Tax or Controlled Substances Tax?